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English translation of lentamente


The Italian word 'lentamente' means 'slowly' in English. Similar to its use in English, 'lentamente' is an adverb used to describe the speed of an action. It can be used in various contexts, whether it's telling someone to 'parla lentamente' (speak slowly) or describing an action in a story - 'camminava lentamente' (he walked slowly).

Example sentences using: lentamente

La barca andava lentamente sul lago.

English translation of La barca andava lentamente sul lago.

The boat was going slowly on the lake.

In this instance, 'lentamente' is used in the middle of the sentence to describe the speed of the boat on the lake.

Lentamente, si alzò dal letto.

English translation of Lentamente, si alzò dal letto.

Slowly, he got up from the bed.

This sentence starts with 'lentamente' to describe the manner in which the person is getting up from bed.

Lentamente, bevve il suo caffè.

English translation of Lentamente, bevve il suo caffè.

Slowly, he drank his coffee.

This sentence is describing an action (drinking coffee) happening slowly, with 'lentamente' at the beginning of the sentence.

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