← Italian Vocab Builder


English translation of leader


The Italian word 'leader' is used identically to English. It describes someone who leads, such as the head of a team or organization. It can be used in various contexts such as business, politics, sports, etc.

Example sentences using: leader

Il leader della band è molto talentuoso.

English translation of Il leader della band è molto talentuoso.

The leader of the band is very talented.

In this sentence, 'leader' is used to refer to the person who leads or commands a group, like a band in this case. The Italian equivalent for 'leader' is also 'leader'.

Le qualità di un leader devono includere la gentilezza.

English translation of Le qualità di un leader devono includere la gentilezza.

The qualities of a leader should include kindness.

Here, 'leader' is used to describe a figure that possesses certain qualities, such as kindness. The concept of leadership is expressed similarly in Italian and English.

La città ha bisogno di un leader forte.

English translation of La città ha bisogno di un leader forte.

The city needs a strong leader.

In this example, 'leader' is utilized to denote a strong figurehead or chief that is needed for a city's administration. The term 'leader' in Italian mirrors its usage in English in this context.

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