The word 'lavoratore' is the Italian translation of the English word 'worker'. It refers to a person who performs work, typically manual labor or a job that requires physical effort. The term can be used to describe employees in various industries, such as construction, manufacturing, or agriculture. In Italian, the word 'lavoratore' is often used in a broader sense to denote anyone who engages in productive work, regardless of the nature of the job.
The worker is finishing his project.
This sentence uses the present tense to describe an action that the worker is currently doing, which is finishing his project.
The work done by the worker was excellent.
This sentence uses the past tense to express that the work that the worker carried out was of excellent quality.
The worker will have a lunch break at 1:00 PM.
This sentence uses the future tense to anticipate that the worker will have his lunch break at a certain time.