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La famiglia

English translation of La famiglia

The family

The Italian phrase 'La famiglia' directly translates to 'The family' in English. It is a noun phrase used in any context where one might refer to their family, much as you would in English. Examples of its use can be as simple as: 'La mia famiglia e grande', meaning 'My family is big'.

Example sentences using: La famiglia

La famiglia è molto importante per me.

English translation of La famiglia è molto importante per me.

The family is very important to me.

In this sentence, 'La famiglia' is used as the subject, referring to the concept of family in a broad sense. The phrase translates directly to 'The family is very important to me', signifying the speaker's deep value and affection for their family.

Oggi, la famiglia si riunisce per celebrare.

English translation of Oggi, la famiglia si riunisce per celebrare.

Today, the family is gathering to celebrate.

Here, 'la famiglia' means 'the family', and it is used to indicate that the whole family is getting together for some kind of celebration. This sentence can be used in the context of any family celebration like a birthday, an anniversary, or a holiday.

La famiglia vive in quella casa.

English translation of La famiglia vive in quella casa.

The family lives in that house.

In this sentence, 'la famiglia' refers to a specific family, presumably known to the speaker and listener. 'Vive in quella casa' means 'lives in that house'. This sentence is often used to provide information about where a family resides.

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