first aid kit
The Italian phrase 'kit di pronto soccorso' is the equivalent of the English term 'first aid kit'. It refers to a collection of supplies and equipment that is used to give medical treatment to a person immediately after they are injured or become ill. This kit is typically used to administer basic medical care until professional medical assistance is available.
In my carry-on luggage, I always have a first aid kit.
This sentence is useful when talking about items a person usually carries during their travels. It emphasizes that the speaker always prioritizes having a first aid kit in their carry-on luggage.
You need a first aid kit to clean that wound.
This sentence expresses a necessity or need for something in particular – in this case, a first aid kit for wound treatment. This can be used in situations of immediate need or accidents.
The first aid kit should contain at least bandages, antiseptic, and a pair of gloves.
This sentence lists essential items that should be included in a first aid kit, namely bandages, antiseptic, and gloves. It is typical when discussing contents of a first aid kit or preparing for situations requiring immediate medical attention.