← Italian Vocab Builder

kit di pronto soccorso

English translation of kit di pronto soccorso

first aid kit

The Italian phrase 'kit di pronto soccorso' is the equivalent of the English term 'first aid kit'. It refers to a collection of supplies and equipment that is used to give medical treatment to a person immediately after they are injured or become ill. This kit is typically used to administer basic medical care until professional medical assistance is available.

Example sentences using: kit di pronto soccorso

Nel mio bagaglio a mano, ho sempre un kit di pronto soccorso.

English translation of Nel mio bagaglio a mano, ho sempre un kit di pronto soccorso.

In my carry-on luggage, I always have a first aid kit.

This sentence is useful when talking about items a person usually carries during their travels. It emphasizes that the speaker always prioritizes having a first aid kit in their carry-on luggage.

Hai bisogno di un kit di pronto soccorso per pulire quella ferita.

English translation of Hai bisogno di un kit di pronto soccorso per pulire quella ferita.

You need a first aid kit to clean that wound.

This sentence expresses a necessity or need for something in particular – in this case, a first aid kit for wound treatment. This can be used in situations of immediate need or accidents.

Il kit di pronto soccorso dovrebbe contenere almeno bende, antisettico e un paio di guanti.

English translation of Il kit di pronto soccorso dovrebbe contenere almeno bende, antisettico e un paio di guanti.

The first aid kit should contain at least bandages, antiseptic, and a pair of gloves.

This sentence lists essential items that should be included in a first aid kit, namely bandages, antiseptic, and gloves. It is typical when discussing contents of a first aid kit or preparing for situations requiring immediate medical attention.

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