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English translation of investimento


The Italian word 'investimento' corresponds to the English term 'investment'. It is used largely in the same way, to refer to the action or process of investing money for profit. Just like in English, it can be used in various contexts, including business, finance, or real estate. 'Investimento' can also refer to the act of putting time or effort into something to make it better.

Example sentences using: investimento

Ho fatto un buon investimento comprando quella casa.

English translation of Ho fatto un buon investimento comprando quella casa.

I made a good investment by buying that house.

This sentence is used to express a positive realization about the decision of investing in something, in this case, buying a house, which turned out to be a good investment.

Il suo investimento nel mercato azionario ha dato i suoi frutti.

English translation of Il suo investimento nel mercato azionario ha dato i suoi frutti.

His investment in the stock market has paid off.

This sentence is used to describe a successful investment. The phrase 'ha dato i suoi frutti' literally translates to 'has given its fruits', which is a common Italian expression used to indicate that something has produced positive results, in this case, the investment in the stock market.

L'investimento in istruzione è fondamentale per il futuro del nostro paese.

English translation of L'investimento in istruzione è fondamentale per il futuro del nostro paese.

Investing in education is fundamental for the future of our country.

This sentence expresses the important concept of investing resources (like time, money, effort) in education for the betterment of the nation's future. The word 'fondamentale' is a strong term in Italian, often used to emphasize the critical importance of something.

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