In Italian, 'interesse' can be used in a variety of ways just like in English. It can refer to curiosity or concern about something ('avere interesse in qualcosa' meaning 'to have an interest in something'), financial or business terms such as return on investment, or as a relation or connection to something, indicating its relevance or importance. The context of the sentence usually helps to determine the appropriate meaning.
Your interest in music is remarkable.
This sentence is used when the speaker wants to compliment the listener's noticeable passion or knowledge in music.
I have a great interest in the arts.
This phrase can be used to express someone's high level of attention or care towards arts, making it perfect to be used when talking about hobbies, preferences or passions.
What captures your interest?
This is a general inquiry questioning about something that stimulates curiosity or appeal to someone, it can be used in casual or formal conversations to learn about the other persona's interests.