← Italian Vocab Builder


English translation of informazione


The Italian word 'informazione' is used in a similar context as 'information' in English. It generally refers to knowledge acquired through study, communication, research, instruction, etc. It can be found in various contexts, such as in a conversation to gather 'informazione' or in written form as 'informazioni' (plural), similar to 'information' in English.

Example sentences using: informazione

Hai bisogno di più informazione prima di fare una decisione.

English translation of Hai bisogno di più informazione prima di fare una decisione.

You need more information before making a decision.

This sentence is used when someone needs to gather more data or details about something in order to make an informed decision.

L'informazione che ho ricevuto era incorretta.

English translation of L'informazione che ho ricevuto era incorretta.

The information I received was incorrect.

This sentence is used when the data or facts that a person has obtained turned out to be wrong or misleading.

Posso dare un'informazione importante?

English translation of Posso dare un'informazione importante?

Can I provide some important information?

This sentence is generally used when someone has vital or critical details to share and is asking for permission to do so.

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