← Italian Vocab Builder

in ritardo

English translation of in ritardo


In Italian, 'in ritardo' is used to indicate someone or something that is not on time. It can be used when referring to being late for an appointment, to work, or to any other event. Similar to English, it can also be used to describe a delay in the arrival or completion of something.

Example sentences using: in ritardo

Il treno è in ritardo di dieci minuti.

English translation of Il treno è in ritardo di dieci minuti.

The train is ten minutes late.

In this sentence, 'in ritardo' is used to indicate a time delay. The train is not on schedule, but is instead arriving ten minutes later than expected.

Arriverò in ritardo a casa.

English translation of Arriverò in ritardo a casa.

I will arrive home late.

In this example, the speaker uses 'in ritardo' to express future tardiness. The speaker is predicting he or she will not arrive home at the expected time, but instead, will arrive later.

Mi dispiace, sono in ritardo per la riunione.

English translation of Mi dispiace, sono in ritardo per la riunione.

I'm sorry, I'm late for the meeting.

In this instance, by reporting you are 'in ritardo' you are indicating your apology because you've arrived later than the scheduled time for an event, this negatively impacted time reserved for a meeting.

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