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English translation of globale


The word 'globale' in Italian is used to describe something that is worldwide or universal in scope. It can be used as an adjective or a noun, and is often used in discussions about global issues such as climate change, economics, and politics.

Example sentences using: globale

Viviamo in un'economia globale.

English translation of Viviamo in un'economia globale.

We live in a global economy.

This Italian sentence means that we are part of an interconnected world where countries depend on each other for trade and commerce.

Il riscaldamento globale è un problema serio.

English translation of Il riscaldamento globale è un problema serio.

Global warming is a serious problem.

This sentence expresses concern over the environmental changes happening around the world, stating that global warming is a grave issue that needs to be addressed.

Le aziende globali stanno cambiando il modo in cui viviamo.

English translation of Le aziende globali stanno cambiando il modo in cui viviamo.

Global companies are changing the way we live.

This sentence in Italian implies that multinational companies, which operate in multiple countries around the world, are significantly influencing our lifestyle and behavior.

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