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English translation of già


The Italian word 'già' is used similarly to the English word 'already'. It is used to express something that has happened sooner than expected, as in 'Hai già mangiato?' which means 'Have you already eaten?' 'Già' is also used to affirm or confirm something, similar to saying 'Exactly' or 'Indeed' in English.

Example sentences using: già

Ho già finito il compito.

English translation of Ho già finito il compito.

I have already finished the homework.

In this sentence, 'già' is used as an adverb that refers to something that happened sooner than expected. Hence, it translates as 'already' in English, indicating that the action of 'finishing the homework' has occurred sooner than the speaker or the listener might have expected.

Hai già mangiato la pizza?

English translation of Hai già mangiato la pizza?

Have you already eaten the pizza?

In this case, 'già' is used in a question to ask about an event that might have occurred earlier than the time of speaking. It is equivalent to 'already' in English, suggesting that the speaker is asking if the action of 'eating the pizza' has happened before the present moment.

Non è ancora l'ora, è già troppo tardi.

English translation of Non è ancora l'ora, è già troppo tardi.

It's not yet time, it's already too late.

In this example, 'già' is used alongside 'troppo tardi' (too late) to denote that a certain time or event has already passed - in this case, a deadline or an expected time. As such, it translates to 'already' in English, indicating that the action or event has happened earlier than one might have thought or wanted.

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