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English translation of geologia


The Italian word 'geologia' is used similarly as the English word 'geology', which refers to the science that deals with the earth's physical structure and substance, its history, and the processes that act on it. It is commonly used in academic and professional contexts, as well as in conversations concerning natural phenomena and earth science.

Example sentences using: geologia

La geologia è una scienza affascinante.

English translation of La geologia è una scienza affascinante.

Geology is a fascinating science.

This sentence highlights the speaker's interest or fascination in geology as a scientific field. The word 'geologia' is used here to refer to the study of the earth's solid materials and structures.

La geologia può aiutarci a capire le eruzioni vulcaniche.

English translation of La geologia può aiutarci a capire le eruzioni vulcaniche.

Geology can help us understand volcanic eruptions.

In this sentence, the point being made is that the study of geology, indicated by 'geologia', offers insights into natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions.

Sto studiando geologia all'università.

English translation of Sto studiando geologia all'università.

I am studying geology at university.

In this sentence, the speaker indicates that they are undertaking an academic study of geology, as indicated by the phrase 'sto studiando geologia', at a university or higher education institution.

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