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English translation of generosità


Generosity, or 'generosità' in Italian, is the quality of being kind and generous. In Italian, it can be used to describe someone who is willing to give freely and share with others, without expecting anything in return. It is often used to describe someone who is charitable or benevolent.

Example sentences using: generosità

La generosità è una virtù importante nella nostra società.

English translation of La generosità è una virtù importante nella nostra società.

Generosity is an important virtue in our society.

This phrase emphasizes the value of generosity as a key moral quality that benefits society as a whole.

Mostrare generosità verso gli altri ci rende migliori.

English translation of Mostrare generosità verso gli altri ci rende migliori.

Showing generosity towards others makes us better.

The statement highlights the positive impact that acts of generosity have not only on the recipients but also on the givers themselves.

La sua generosità ha cambiato la vita di molte persone.

English translation of La sua generosità ha cambiato la vita di molte persone.

Her generosity has changed the lives of many people.

This example illustrates how one individual's acts of generosity can have a significant and transformative effect on the lives of others.

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