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English translation of genere


In Italian, the word 'genere' is used in the same way as 'kind' in English. It can be used to categorize or differentiate items, people or ideas. For instance, 'Che genere di musica ti piace?' means 'What kind of music do you like?'

Example sentences using: genere

Genere è un concetto complesso.

English translation of Genere è un concetto complesso.

Gender is a complex concept.

In this sentence, 'genere' is used in a abstract sense, referring to the idea of gender itself rather than male or female.

Che genere di musica ti piace?

English translation of Che genere di musica ti piace?

What kind of music do you like?

In this question, 'genere' is used to refer to a type or kind of something, in this case, music. It's a common way to ask about preferences in Italian.

Il genere umano deve proteggere l'ambiente.

English translation of Il genere umano deve proteggere l'ambiente.

The human race must protect the environment.

Here, 'genere' is being used to describe a larger group or category of beings, such as the human race or species. It's a way to talk about all of humanity collectively.

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