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English translation of gamba


The Italian word 'gamba' means 'leg' in English. This is a noun typically used in everyday conversation to refer to the limb of a human, animal, or furniture. For example, 'Ho male alla gamba,' means 'My leg hurts.'

Example sentences using: gamba

La mia gamba destra fa male.

English translation of La mia gamba destra fa male.

My right leg hurts.

This sentence is used to express physical discomfort or pain in the right leg. 'La mia gamba destra' means 'my right leg', 'fa male' translates to 'hurts'.

Ho un tatuaggio sulla gamba sinistra.

English translation of Ho un tatuaggio sulla gamba sinistra.

I have a tattoo on my left leg.

This sentence expresses the presence of a tattoo on the speaker's left leg. 'Ho un tatuaggio' means 'I have a tattoo', 'sulla gamba sinistra' translates to 'on my left leg'.

Non rompere la gamba alla sedia.

English translation of Non rompere la gamba alla sedia.

Don't break the chair's leg.

In this sentence, the speaker is asking someone not to break the leg of the chair. 'Non rompere' means 'don't break', 'la gamba alla sedia' translates to 'the chair's leg'.

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