The Italian word 'fornire' is used in the same way as the English verb 'provide'. It is often utilized when you are supplying someone with something they need. For instance, in a sentence 'I can provide you with the information', in Italian would be 'Posso fornirti le informazioni'.
I can provide an example of this word.
This sentence indicates the speaker's ability to give an example of a specific word. The verb 'fornire' is used to express the act of providing or supplying something.
Please provide your contact information.
This sentence is a formal request for someone's contact details. Here, the verb 'fornire' is used to indicate the task of giving or sharing some information.
The restaurant can provide vegetarian options on request.
This sentence suggests that the restaurant has the capability to supply vegetarian choices if a customer requests it. The verb 'fornire' is employed to express the action of offering or supplying.