The word 'fondazione' in Italian is used to refer to a foundation, which can be an organization established to support a particular cause or a base on which something is built. It can also refer to the act of founding or establishing something.
The foundation of the museum dates back to 1900.
In this sentence, 'fondazione' is used to indicate the establishment or starting point of the museum. It refers to the year when the museum was first created or founded.
The Foundation helps needy children.
In this context, 'Fondazione' is used as a title or name for a charitable organization. This kind of organization is established to provide help or relief for a particular cause or group, in this case, needy children.
I am studying the history of the city's foundation.
Here, 'fondazione' is used to refer to the historical establishment of the city. The speaker is studying when and how the city was originally established or settled.