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English translation of fisica


The word 'fisica' is used in Italian language to refer to the natural science that studies matter, its motion, and behavior through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force. It's used in similar contexts as the word 'physics' is used in English.

Example sentences using: fisica

La fisica è una materia difficile.

English translation of La fisica è una materia difficile.

Physics is a difficult subject.

Used in an academic context, this sentence indicates that the speaker finds the subject of physics to be challenging.

Di solito studio la fisica al pomeriggio.

English translation of Di solito studio la fisica al pomeriggio.

I usually study physics in the afternoon.

This example showcases the word 'fisica' being used to describe the subject being studied. It is often used to talk about study or work habits.

La fisica quantistica è affascinante.

English translation of La fisica quantistica è affascinante.

Quantum physics is fascinating.

This sentence is used to express interest or admiration for the field of quantum physics. It shows how 'fisica' can be combined with other words to refer to specific branches of physics.

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