The Italian word 'finire' is used to express the concept of ending or completing something. It can be used as a verb in various tenses, just like its English counterpart 'finish'. For example, 'Ho finito il mio compito' means 'I have finished my homework'.
I have to finish my homework.
In this sentence, 'finire' is used to denote the completion of a task, in this case, 'i miei compiti' which translates to 'my homework'. It's a common way to use 'finire' in day-to-day conversation.
He always finishes all the food on the plate.
Here, 'finire' is used in a context that talks about consumption until there's nothing left - 'tutto il cibo nel piatto' which means 'all the food on the plate'. Again, it's a practical way to use 'finire' to state that someone finishes or consumes something entirely.
When will this meeting end?
'Finirà' is the future tense of 'finire' which is used in a context to ask about the conclusion of an event - 'Questa riunione' meaning 'this meeting'. This showcases how 'finire' can be modified according to tense and used in a question.