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English translation of fattore


The word 'fattore' in Italian translates to 'factor' in English. It is used in various contexts, including mathematics, science, and everyday language. In mathematics, it refers to a number or algebraic expression that divides another number or expression evenly. In science, it can refer to a variable or element that contributes to a result. In everyday language, it can refer to a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or outcome.

Example sentences using: fattore

Il fattore decisivo è stato il maltempo.

English translation of Il fattore decisivo è stato il maltempo.

The deciding factor was the bad weather.

This example shows the use of 'fattore' in an attributive context, indicating a crucial element or determinant in a situation. In this case, bad weather is named as the deciding or crucial factor.

Mario lavora come un fattore sul campo.

English translation of Mario lavora come un fattore sul campo.

Mario works as a farmhand in the field.

In this example, 'fattore' is used to refer to a job role. A 'fattore' in Italian can mean a farmhand or an individual who works on a farm, handling various agricultural tasks.

Il fattore di rischio principale è l'età avanzata.

English translation of Il fattore di rischio principale è l'età avanzata.

The main risk factor is advanced age.

Here 'fattore' is used in a medical context to indicate a characteristic, behavior, or condition that increases the likelihood of getting a particular disease. Advanced age is pointed out as the primary risk factor.

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