The Italian word 'fatto' translates to 'fact' in English. It is used in the same context as in English, to express an event, information, or thing known to have happened or existed. It is generally used in regular conversation or formal language just as the English term.
You did an excellent job
This sentence is used to praise someone for the outstanding work they've done. The verb 'fatto' is the past participle of 'fare' which means 'to do' or 'to make' in English.
I did my very best
This sentence expresses that the speaker has put forth their maximum effort in doing something. The verb 'fatto' here is being used to describe an action that has been completed in the past.
The fact is that I don't want to go
This sentence is used when the speaker wants to firmly explain their desire to not go somewhere. 'Fatto' is used here in the sense of stating a fact.