← Italian Vocab Builder
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English translation of fallire


The Italian word 'fallire' is used to express the idea of failing to meet expectations, to not succeed in achieving a goal, or to stop functioning. It can be used in various contexts, such as failing a test, failing in business, or failing to meet a deadline. It is important to note that 'fallire' is a verb and requires a subject. For example, 'Ho fallito l'esame' means 'I failed the exam'.

Example sentences using: fallire

Non voglio fallire l'esame.

English translation of Non voglio fallire l'esame.

I don't want to fail the exam.

The speaker is expressing worry about not wanting to fail a particular examination.

Ha paura di fallire.

English translation of Ha paura di fallire.

He is afraid of failing.

In this phrase, someone's fear towards failure is being described.

Se non studi, rischi di fallire.

English translation of Se non studi, rischi di fallire.

If you don't study, you risk failing.

This is a cautionary warning that implies a negative outcome if the person does not study.

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