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English translation of ex


In Italian, 'ex' is used in front of a noun to indicate someone's former role. For example, 'ex presidente' means 'former president'. Note that 'ex' stays invariant regardless of the gender and number of the noun it precedes.

Example sentences using: ex

Ex erat deus, nunc est rex.

English translation of Ex erat deus, nunc est rex.

He was God, now he is king.

This sentence demonstrates one possible usage of 'ex' in Italian. 'Ex' is a Latin preposition which has been incorporated into Italian, and it means 'formerly'. In this case, 'ex' is used to create a contrast between past and present.

Il mio ex era un bravo uomo.

English translation of Il mio ex era un bravo uomo.

My ex was a good man.

This sentence shows how 'ex' can be used as an adjective in Italian to denote something or someone from the past. In this case, 'ex' is used to refer to a former partner or spouse.

L'ex presidente è sempre molto rispettato.

English translation of L'ex presidente è sempre molto rispettato.

The former president is always very respected.

This sentence demonstrates the use of 'ex' to indicate a former role or position someone held. Here, it is used to refer to a person who was previously a president.

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