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English translation of evitare


The Italian word 'evitare' is used to express the action of avoiding something or someone. It is a regular '-are' verb and is conjugated accordingly. For example, 'io evito' means 'I avoid'. It is often used in the context of avoiding a situation, a person, or a problem.

Example sentences using: evitare

Dobbiamo evitare di fare errori.

English translation of Dobbiamo evitare di fare errori.

We must avoid making mistakes.

This sentence is an instruction or advice suggesting that we need to prevent ourselves from making mistakes. In Italian, 'dobbiamo' means 'we must', 'evitare' means 'avoid', 'di fare' means 'to make' and 'errori' means 'mistakes'.

Devi evitare il cioccolato se sei a dieta.

English translation of Devi evitare il cioccolato se sei a dieta.

You must avoid chocolate if you are on a diet.

This sentence is a recommendation for someone who is on a diet. In Italian, 'devi' means 'you must', 'evitare' means 'avoid', 'il cioccolato' means 'the chocolate', 'se' means 'if', 'sei' means 'you are' and 'a dieta' means 'on a diet'.

Per evitare il traffico, prendo la strada secondaria.

English translation of Per evitare il traffico, prendo la strada secondaria.

To avoid the traffic, I take the back road.

This sentence describes a person's action in response to a certain circumstance, which is to avoid traffic. In Italian, 'per evitare' means 'to avoid', 'il traffico' means 'the traffic', 'prendo' means 'I take', 'la' means 'the' and 'strada secondaria' means 'back road'.

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