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English translation of essere

to be

In Italian, 'essere' is an extremely common verb used to indicate existence, or to describe characteristics, states, and conditions. It is also used in compound tenses, passive forms, as well as impersonal expressions. Since 'essere' is an irregular verb, it does not follow the regular conjugation patterns, so all it's forms must be memorized.

Example sentences using: essere

Lui vuole essere un dottore.

English translation of Lui vuole essere un dottore.

He wants to be a doctor.

The phrase 'Lui vuole essere un dottore' uses 'essere' (to be) to state someone's wishes or ambitions. Here, 'essere' is combined with 'vuole' (he wants) to indicate a desire for a future situation or role.

Io devo essere più responsabile.

English translation of Io devo essere più responsabile.

I have to be more responsible.

The sentence 'Io devo essere più responsabile' uses the verb 'essere' (to be) in its infinitive form. In the phrase, 'essere' is combined with 'devo' (I must) to express obligation.

Dovremmo essere grati per quello che abbiamo.

English translation of Dovremmo essere grati per quello che abbiamo.

We should be grateful for what we have.

The sentence 'Dovremmo essere grati per quello che abbiamo' uses 'essere' (to be) to express a condition we should adopt. Here, 'essere' is combined with 'dovremmo' (we should) to express a recommendation or advice.

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