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English translation of enfasi


Enfasi is the Italian word for emphasis. It is used to give importance or significance to a particular word or phrase in a sentence. It can be achieved through various means such as italicizing, bolding, or underlining the word, or by using intonation in speech. For example, 'I really want to emphasize the importance of this task' in Italian would be 'Voglio davvero sottolineare l'importanza di questo compito'.

Example sentences using: enfasi

Lei sta mettendo troppa enfasi su quel particolare.

English translation of Lei sta mettendo troppa enfasi su quel particolare.

She is putting too much emphasis on that particular.

In this sentence, 'enfasi' is used to indicate that someone is giving too much importance or focus on a specific thing or detail.

L'enfasi è sulla qualità, non sulla quantità.

English translation of L'enfasi è sulla qualità, non sulla quantità.

The emphasis is on quality, not quantity.

Here 'enfasi' is used to present the importance of quality over quantity, suggesting that having things of quality is more beneficial or desired than simply having a lot of things.

Devi mettere l'enfasi sulla parola chiave quando leggi la frase.

English translation of Devi mettere l'enfasi sulla parola chiave quando leggi la frase.

You must place emphasis on the keyword when you read the sentence.

In this context, 'enfasi' is used to convey that one must accentuate or give more importance to the keyword while reading a sentence, which can affect the overall meaning or interpretation.

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