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English translation of elezione


The word 'elezione' is used in Italian to refer to an election. It can be used to describe both political elections, such as those for government positions, and non-political elections, such as those for clubs or societies. The word is often used in the context of choosing a leader or representative, and is an important part of the democratic process in Italy.

Example sentences using: elezione

L'elezione del nuovo presidente è prevista per domani.

English translation of L'elezione del nuovo presidente è prevista per domani.

The election of the new president is scheduled for tomorrow.

In this example, 'elezione' is used in a sentence to indicate a planned event, specifically, the voting to choose a new president.

Federico si è candidato per l'elezione alla carica di sindaco.

English translation of Federico si è candidato per l'elezione alla carica di sindaco.

Federico is running for the election to the office of mayor.

Here 'elezione' is used to refer to the process where Federico is a candidate, aiming to be elected as the mayor.

Dopo l'elezione, la città ha festeggiato la vittoria del suo nuovo sindaco.

English translation of Dopo l'elezione, la città ha festeggiato la vittoria del suo nuovo sindaco.

After the election, the city celebrated the victory of its new mayor.

This sentence uses 'elezione' to refer to a past event, the election, after which the celebration for the new elected mayor took place.

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