The word 'edificio' is used in Italian to refer to a structure with walls and a roof, typically used for housing people, animals, or things. It is a noun and is used in a similar way to the English word 'building'. For example, 'L'edificio è molto grande' means 'The building is very big'.
The building is very tall.
This sentence is a simple descriptive statement. In Italian, similar to English, adjectives such as 'alto' (tall) come after the noun they are describing.
Near the building there is a park.
This sentence communicates a spatial relationship. In Italian, prepositions such as 'vicino' (near) connect two nouns, and the verb 'c'è' (there is) helps express existence or presence.
We enter the building.
This is an imperative sentence, instructing or suggesting an action. In Italian, verbs such as 'entriamo' (we enter) show the subject directly in the verb form.