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English translation of ecologia


The Italian word 'ecologia' is used to describe the scientific study of the relationships that living organisms have with each other and with their natural environment. It is used in similar contexts as the English equivalent 'ecology', such as discussing climate change, biodiversity, and conservation efforts.

Example sentences using: ecologia

L'ecologia è una scienza importante per il nostro futuro.

English translation of L'ecologia è una scienza importante per il nostro futuro.

Ecology is an important science for our future.

This sentence highlights the importance of the science of ecology in predicting and planning for future environmental changes. The noun 'ecologia' is used here in its most common context - describing the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.

Dobbiamo insegnare ai bambini l'importanza dell'ecologia.

English translation of Dobbiamo insegnare ai bambini l'importanza dell'ecologia.

We need to teach children the importance of ecology.

This sentence is expressing the importance of education in the field of ecology. It emphasizes the necessity of teaching this knowledge to the younger generations ('bambini'). The word 'ecologia' is again used here in its most common context - referring to the science that studies the relationships between living organisms and their environment.

La salvaguardia dell'ecologia è una priorità globale.

English translation of La salvaguardia dell'ecologia è una priorità globale.

The safeguarding of ecology is a global priority.

This sentence underscores the importance of protecting the Earth's ecological system. It implies that the protection of the environment ('la salvaguardia dell'ecologia') should be recognized as a crucial issue worldwide ('priorità globale'). 'Ecologia' in this context refers to the larger scale concept of the Earth's environment as a whole.

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