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English translation of diversi


In Italian, the word 'diversi' means 'several'. It is used in a similar context as in English, to describe an indefinite small number of people or things. It is usually placed before the noun it modifies. For example, 'diversi libri' means 'several books'.

Example sentences using: diversi

Abbiamo diversi tipi di pasta in Italia.

English translation of Abbiamo diversi tipi di pasta in Italia.

We have different types of pasta in Italy.

This sentence illustrates the use of 'diversi' to mean 'different', expressing variety in the types of pasta available in Italy.

Ho diversi libri nella mia libreria.

English translation of Ho diversi libri nella mia libreria.

I have several books in my library.

Here, 'diversi' is used to mean 'several', indicating a considerable number or quantity of books in one's library.

Le persone hanno diversi modi di pensare.

English translation of Le persone hanno diversi modi di pensare.

People have different ways of thinking.

This sentence uses 'diversi' to mean 'different', emphasizing the variation in people's thought processes.

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