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English translation of diventare


The Italian word 'diventare' is used to express change or progression in state or condition, similar to the English verb 'become'. It is commonly used in everyday conversations and can be adapted to various tenses.

Example sentences using: diventare

Voglio diventare un medico.

English translation of Voglio diventare un medico.

I want to become a doctor.

The phrase expresses a future aspiration. The use of 'diventare' indicates a transition or change – in this case, a transition into the profession of a doctor from a current state.

Dopo molti anni di studio, è riuscito a diventare un avvocato.

English translation of Dopo molti anni di studio, è riuscito a diventare un avvocato.

After many years of study, he managed to become a lawyer.

This phrase presents a completed action that took place over time. The 'diventare' verb here shows the achievement of a long-term goal, signifying a change in state or status, transitioning from being a student to being a lawyer.

Se continui a lavorare tanto, potresti diventare il capo.

English translation of Se continui a lavorare tanto, potresti diventare il capo.

If you keep working so hard, you could become the boss.

This phrase is a hypothetical, indicated by the use of the conditional 'potresti'. The verb 'diventare' is used to illustrate a potential future change in status, from a current position to 'the boss'.

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