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English translation of divano


The word 'divano' is the Italian translation of the English word 'sofa'. It is used to refer to a long upholstered piece of furniture for several people to sit on. Just as in English, it is used in the same context in Italian.

Example sentences using: divano

Ho comprato un nuovo divano per il mio appartamento.

English translation of Ho comprato un nuovo divano per il mio appartamento.

I bought a new couch for my apartment.

This sentence is used when someone buys a new furniture item, in this case, a couch (divano), for their residence.

Il mio gatto ama dormire sul divano.

English translation of Il mio gatto ama dormire sul divano.

My cat loves sleeping on the couch.

This sentence is used to describe a situation where a person's pet, specifically a cat, prefers to rest on a specific location, in this case, the couch (divano).

Il divano in sala è molto confortevole.

English translation of Il divano in sala è molto confortevole.

The couch in the living room is very comfortable.

This statement is commonly used to comment on the comfort level of a piece of furniture, in this case, a couch (divano), in a chosen room, in this case, the living room.

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