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English translation of disputa


The Italian word 'disputa' is used to describe a disagreement or argument between two or more parties. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including legal, political, and personal disputes. In Italian, 'disputa' is a noun, and it can be used with various prepositions and verbs to express different shades of meaning. For example, 'avere una disputa con qualcuno' means 'to have a dispute with someone,' while 'risolvere una disputa' means 'to resolve a dispute.'

Example sentences using: disputa

La disputa è durata per molte ore.

English translation of La disputa è durata per molte ore.

The dispute lasted for many hours.

In this sentence, 'disputa' is used in a general way to describe an argument or disagreement that has taken a long period of time.

Ho evitato la disputa con mio fratello.

English translation of Ho evitato la disputa con mio fratello.

I avoided the dispute with my brother.

This sentence uses 'disputa' to refer to a potential argument or disagreement that the speaker has actively avoided, demonstrating that 'disputa' can be used to refer to both real and hypothetical situations.

La disputa territoriale è ancora in corso.

English translation of La disputa territoriale è ancora in corso.

The territorial dispute is still ongoing.

Here, 'disputa' is used in a specific context - a territorial dispute, which refers to a disagreement over land ownership or control. This shows how 'disputa' can be used in wider societal or political conflicts.

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