The Italian word 'disegnare' is used to denote the action of making a picture, diagram, or sketch with a pen, pencil, or other writing tool. It can also mean to draft or plan something. Similar to English, it can be used both in a literal and metaphorical context.
I like to draw in the park.
In this sentence, 'disegnare' is used in the context of enjoying a personal hobby outdoors. Italian verbs generally conjugate depending on the subject and 'disegnare' follows this rule.
I have to draw a tree for my art class.
Here 'disegnare' is used within the context of a task or a chore that needs to be done, in this case for an art class. It is part and parcel of everyday language to use the infinitive form of the verb after 'devo' showing necessity to do the action.
Maria is learning to draw flowers.
In this example, 'disegnare' is used alongside the act of learning something new. 'Disegnare' can refer to the action of drawing something specific, as it does here with 'fiori' which means flowers.