The Italian word 'dire' is equivalent to the English verb 'tell'. It's a commonly used verb in Italian, often used in the context of speaking or telling something to someone. For example, 'Posso dirti un segreto?' translates to 'Can I tell you a secret?'
I can't say anything.
This is a straightforward, declarative statement. The speaker is saying that they cannot disclose any information or make any statement - the context of the conversation can change the nuance.
I must say, it's a nice movie.
In this example, 'dire' is being used to express an opinion. The speaker is not just describing the movie as nice, but emphasizing the high opinion that they hold by using the phrase 'I must say'.
Could you tell the waiter to bring more wine, please?
This example uses 'dire' in the context of making a request. The speaker is asking the listener to relay a message to the waiter, i.e., to tell the waiter to bring more wine.