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di recente

English translation of di recente


The Italian phrase 'di recente' is used to express the idea of 'recently', which means something that has happened not long ago. It is often used in sentences to describe events, actions, or situations that have occurred in the recent past. For example, 'Ho visto un bel film di recente.' translates to 'I saw a good movie recently.' in English.

Example sentences using: di recente

Di recente ho cambiato lavoro.

English translation of Di recente ho cambiato lavoro.

I have recently changed jobs.

This is an example of how 'di recente' can be used at the beginning of a sentence. The subject 'I' follows, and then the present perfect tense is used to indicate an action that has happened at an unspecified time in the past.

Hai visto di recente Maria?

English translation of Hai visto di recente Maria?

Have you seen Maria recently?

In this sentence 'di recente' is placed in the middle. Note that the subject 'you' is implied in the verb 'Hai'. Also, the use of the present perfect tense 'hai visto' is often used to ask about recent events.

Lei ha parlato di recente dei suoi piani per il futuro.

English translation of Lei ha parlato di recente dei suoi piani per il futuro.

She has recently spoken about her plans for the future.

The usage of 'di recente' in this sentence indicates that the action of the sentence (her speaking about her future plans) happened in the recent past. The subject here is 'she', and the phrase 'dei suoi piani per il futuro' means 'about her plans for the future.'

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