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di nuovo

English translation of di nuovo


The Italian word 'di nuovo' is used when you want to express that something is repeating or happening once more. It is used in the same context as the English word 'again'. For example, in the sentence 'I am eating ice cream again', 'again' can be translated to 'di nuovo' in Italian as 'Sto mangiando il gelato di nuovo'.

Example sentences using: di nuovo

Devo studiare di nuovo per l'esame.

English translation of Devo studiare di nuovo per l'esame.

I need to study again for the exam.

In this sentence, 'di nuovo' is used to express the need to repeat the action of studying for an exam. The use of 'di nuovo' here implies that the studying has been done before, but needs to be done again.

A causa della pioggia, ho dovuto dipingere di nuovo la casa.

English translation of A causa della pioggia, ho dovuto dipingere di nuovo la casa.

Because of the rain, I had to paint the house again.

This sentence uses 'di nuovo' to describe the repetition of the action of painting a house. Due to the adverse impact from the rain, the painting job needs to be done once more ('di nuovo').

Ho comprato di nuovo la stessa camicia.

English translation of Ho comprato di nuovo la stessa camicia.

I bought the same shirt again.

Here, 'di nuovo' denotes the action of purchasing being repeated. The person bought the same shirt that he/she already had, symbolizing their particular preference towards it.

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