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English translation of decennio


The word 'decennio' is the Italian term for 'decade', which refers to a period of ten years. It is often used to describe a specific time period or era, such as the 'Roaring Twenties' or the 'Swinging Sixties'. In Italian, 'decennio' is a masculine noun and is used in the same way as in English.

Example sentences using: decennio

Questo evento avviene una volta ogni decennio.

English translation of Questo evento avviene una volta ogni decennio.

This event happens once every decade.

This sentence is referring to an event that only happens every ten years, thus using the Italian word 'decennio' to express a decade.

Ho passato un decennio in quella città.

English translation of Ho passato un decennio in quella città.

I spent a decade in that city.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing that they spent the duration of a decade, or ten years, living in a specific city.

La tecnologia ha fatto passi da gigante nell'ultimo decennio.

English translation of La tecnologia ha fatto passi da gigante nell'ultimo decennio.

Technology has made huge strides in the last decade.


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