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English translation of cuore


The word 'cuore' is the Italian term for 'heart'. It is used similarly to the English language, referring to the vital organ that pumps blood throughout the body, or as a symbol of love and affection. Example: 'Il mio cuore batte per te' means 'My heart beats for you'.

Example sentences using: cuore

Il cuore ha le sue ragioni che la ragione non conosce.

English translation of Il cuore ha le sue ragioni che la ragione non conosce.

The heart has its reasons that reason does not know.

This is a poetic way of saying that emotions often can't be explained by logic.

Ha cuore di leone.

English translation of Ha cuore di leone.

He has a heart of a lion.

This phrase is often used to describe someone brave and courageous.

Il cuore non invecchia mai.

English translation of Il cuore non invecchia mai.

The heart never ages.

This is a romantic way to suggest that love and passion are timeless, regardless of one's age.

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