In Italian, the word 'critica' is used to express criticism or judgment, much like in English. It can refer to a negative evaluation or comment about something or someone. The word is often used in the context of art, literature, film, and other creative works, where a 'critica' can be a review or analysis of the work. It can also be used in a more general sense to refer to any kind of critical comment or feedback.
Your criticism is always constructive.
This statement is often used to appreciate someone who makes criticism that provides useful feedback, leading to the improvement of the thing being criticized.
The film's review was very negative.
This expression can be employed when discussing reaction to a movie. It refers to a critical review that judges or evaluates the movie, in this case, negatively.
I can't stand your constant criticism.
Here we see a sentence used by someone who is expressing frustration about always being criticized by another person.