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English translation of costruire


The Italian word 'costruire' translates to 'build' in English. It is used to describe the process of constructing something. Similar to English, it can be used in various contexts such as building a house, which in Italian would be 'costruire una casa'.

Example sentences using: costruire

Stanno progettando di costruire una nuova casa.

English translation of Stanno progettando di costruire una nuova casa.

They are planning to build a new house.

In this statement, 'costruire' is used to indicate the act of putting together a structure. The agents in the sentence, 'They', plan to create a house by assembling it part by part.

Mi piace costruire i modelli di navi.

English translation of Mi piace costruire i modelli di navi.

I like to build ship models.

In this context, 'costruire' refers to creating miniature replicas of ships which are known as models. The sentence expresses the speaker's enjoyment in this hobby.

I bambini adorano costruire i castelli di sabbia sulla spiaggia.

English translation of I bambini adorano costruire i castelli di sabbia sulla spiaggia.

The children love building sand castles on the beach.

Here 'costruire' is employed to depict the act of children making structures using sand on a beach. The structures are often in the form of castles hence the term 'sand castles'.

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