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English translation of coro


The word 'coro' is used in Italian to refer to a group of singers in a choir or the part of a song that is repeated after each verse. It is used in the same context as 'chorus' in English.

Example sentences using: coro

Il coro della chiesa canta sempre bellissime canzoni.

English translation of Il coro della chiesa canta sempre bellissime canzoni.

The church choir always sings beautiful songs.

In this sentence, 'coro' is used to refer to a church choir, which is a group of singers in a church. The verb 'canta' means 'sings', and 'sempre' translates to 'always', signifying a recurring action. 'Bellissime canzoni' translates to 'beautiful songs', which is the object of the choir's action.

Sta organizzando il coro per il concerto di Natale.

English translation of Sta organizzando il coro per il concerto di Natale.

He is organizing the choir for the Christmas concert.

In this example, 'coro' is again referring to a choir, echoing the common usage of the term in reference to a musical group. 'Sta organizzando' translates to 'is organizing', indicating an ongoing action performed by a subject, who in English, is referred to as 'He'. 'Per il concerto di Natale' means 'for the Christmas concert', defining the purpose or event for which the choir is being organized.

English translation of Il coro degli angeli è una credenza popolare.

The choir of angels is a popular belief.

This sentence uses 'coro' in a metaphorical sense, referring to the purported singing of angels as a 'choir'. 'È una credenza popolare' translates to 'is a popular belief', indicating that the idea of a choir of angels is a widespread belief or notion, rather than a concrete entity.

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