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English translation of continua


The Italian word 'continua' is used in the same way as the English word 'continue'. It is used to indicate the concept of persisting in an action, task, or state, or to carry on and not to stop. For example, 'Il film continua' means 'The movie continues'.

Example sentences using: continua

La festa continua nella piazza principale.

English translation of La festa continua nella piazza principale.

The party continues in the main square.

This sentence is in the present tense, indicating that the party is still happening. The word 'continua' is used here to indicate the ongoing action of the party taking place in the main square.

Il suo amore per l'arte continua a crescere.

English translation of Il suo amore per l'arte continua a crescere.

His love for art continues to grow.

In this sentence, 'continua' is used to imply a continuation or progression of an action or feeling - in this case, the growing love for art. The structure 'continua a' followed by an infinitive is common in Italian to express this notion.

La ricerca della verità continua.

English translation of La ricerca della verità continua.

The search for the truth continues.

This is a more metaphorical usage of 'continua', symbolizing a continuous, possibly never-ending process or action - in this instance, the search for truth. The impersonal phrase leaves it open as to who is doing the searching.

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