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English translation of considerare


Considerare is used in Italian to mean consider in English. It is used when we want to think carefully about a certain situation, a proposal, or a person's opinion before making a decision or forming an opinion. Considerare can be used in various contexts and is a regular -are verb that is conjugated using the same conjugation rules as other regular -are verbs in Italian.

Example sentences using: considerare

Dobbiamo considerare tutte le possibilità.

English translation of Dobbiamo considerare tutte le possibilità.

We need to consider all possibilities.

In this sentence, 'considerare' is used to express the need to take into account or give attention to all possibilities before making decision. It shows the importance of thorough assessment in decision-making process.

Considerare la natura è molto rilassante.

English translation of Considerare la natura è molto rilassante.

Considering nature is very relaxing.

This sentence is using 'considerare' to suggest giving attention to or contemplating about nature as a way to relax. The use of 'considerare' is this context indicates a thoughtful observation or contemplation.

Tu dovresti considerare di studiare di più.

English translation of Tu dovresti considerare di studiare di più.

You should consider studying more.

Here, 'considerare' is used in giving suggestion or advice. The sentence implies that the person addressed should think about or contemplate on the idea of studying more for their own benefit.

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