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English translation of condizione


The word 'condizione' in Italian is used to refer to a state or situation, similar to its English counterpart 'condition'. It can be used to describe physical or mental states, as well as circumstances or requirements. For example, 'Le condizioni meteorologiche sono pessime' translates to 'The weather conditions are terrible'.

Example sentences using: condizione

Questa è la condizione per entrare nel club.

English translation of Questa è la condizione per entrare nel club.

This is the condition to enter the club.

In this sentence, 'condizione' refers to a requirement or prerequisite that must be met in order to join a social club.

In condizione di maltempo, le gite fuori porta sono proibite.

English translation of In condizione di maltempo, le gite fuori porta sono proibite.

In case of bad weather, outdoor trips are forbidden.

Here, 'condizione' is used to refer to a state or situation, specifically referencing bad weather that inhibits outdoor activities.

La condizione economica della famiglia era povera.

English translation of La condizione economica della famiglia era povera.

The family's economic condition was poor.

In this context, 'condizione' refers to the status or state in regard to the economic situation of the family, which is described as poor.

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