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English translation of combinazione


The Italian word 'combinazione' is used to express the idea of a combination, a grouping of multiple elements or parts into a single entity. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing a combination of ingredients in a recipe, a combination of strategies in a game, or a combination of skills in a job description. It is important to note that 'combinazione' can also be used to express the idea of a coincidence or a fortunate chance event.

Example sentences using: combinazione

Questa è una strana combinazione di colori.

English translation of Questa è una strana combinazione di colori.

This is a strange combination of colors.

This example sentence is describing a mix of colors that are unusual or unexpected to the speaker. It can be used in various contexts where colors are involved - from fashion to art to design.

La combinazione di queste spezie fa un piatto delizioso.

English translation of La combinazione di queste spezie fa un piatto delizioso.

The combination of these spices makes a delicious dish.

Here, the example is talking about a recipe or a dish where a certain mix of spices results in a very tasty outcome. This can be said by someone who is cooking or eating, demonstrating the impact of ingredient combinations in cuisine.

Non ricordo la combinazione della cassaforte.

English translation of Non ricordo la combinazione della cassaforte.

I don't remember the combination of the safe.

This example speaks to a situation where someone has forgotten the combination, or numeric code, needed to open a safe. It shows a use case of 'combinazione' in a scenario involving memory, security, and access to protected objects or information.

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