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English translation of codardia


Cowardice in Italian is translated as 'codardia'. It is a noun that refers to the lack of courage or the fear of danger. This term is often used to describe someone who is afraid to take risks or face challenges. It is important to note that 'codardia' has a negative connotation and is generally used in a derogatory manner.

Example sentences using: codardia

La tua codardia ti rende incapace di affrontare i problemi.

English translation of La tua codardia ti rende incapace di affrontare i problemi.

Your cowardice makes you unable to face problems.

In this sentence, 'codardia' is used to refer to the fear that prevents someone from addressing issues directly and effectively.

Non permettere che la codardia governi la tua vita.

English translation of Non permettere che la codardia governi la tua vita.

Do not let cowardice rule your life.

This phrase is a direct instruction suggesting that one should not allow 'codardia' (cowardice) to take control and dictate their life or actions.

La codardia è il peggior nemico del progresso.

English translation of La codardia è il peggior nemico del progresso.

Cowardice is the worst enemy of progress.

The phrase uses 'codardia' to highlight its potential to hamper progress or development, considering it as the worst possible enemy to personal growth or advancement.

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