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English translation of città


The Italian word for 'town' is 'città'. You can use it in similar contexts as you would use 'town' in English. For example, 'La mia città è piccola' translates to 'My town is small'.

Example sentences using: città

Vivo in una bella città.

English translation of Vivo in una bella città.

I live in a beautiful city.

In this statement, the speaker communicates that they reside within a city they find appealing.

La città è piena di storia.

English translation of La città è piena di storia.

The city is full of history.

This phrase implies that the city the speaker is referring to has a great deal of historical significance or artifacts.

La mia città natale è Milano.

English translation of La mia città natale è Milano.

My hometown is Milan.

Here, the speaker is indicating that they were born in, or have deep connections with the city of Milan.

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