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Ci vediamo

English translation of Ci vediamo

We'll see each other

The Italian phrase 'Ci vediamo' translates to 'We'll see each other' in English. It is used when you are parting ways with someone and want to express the intention of meeting again in the future. It bears a similar meaning to the English expression 'See you later'.

Example sentences using: Ci vediamo

Ci vediamo in piazza alle otto.

English translation of Ci vediamo in piazza alle otto.

See you in the square at eight.

This phrase is used when scheduling a meeting with someone in a public place at a specific time. The speaker is using 'Ci vediamo' to express the anticipated mutual action of seeing each other.

Ci vediamo dopo la lezione.

English translation of Ci vediamo dopo la lezione.

See you after the lesson.

The speaker in this phrase expresses the intention to meet the interlocutor after a certain event - in this case, the lesson. The phrase 'Ci vediamo' communicates the expectation of seeing each other.

Non so quando, ma ci vediamo sicuramente.

English translation of Non so quando, ma ci vediamo sicuramente.

I don't know when, but we'll definitely see each other.

This phrase indicates the speaker's uncertainty about the time of the meeting, but a strong affirmation about its occurrence. The use of 'ci vediamo' conveys the assurance of the future encounter.

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