The Italian word 'chiedere' is used to ask for something, to make a request, or to inquire about something. It is a regular verb that follows the pattern of 'io chiedo, tu chiedi, lui/lei chiede, noi chiediamo, voi chiedete, loro chiedono' in the present tense. For example, 'Posso chiederti qualcosa?' means 'May I ask you something?'.
Can I ask your name?
This Italian phrase is a common question used when someone wants to know the other person's name. 'Posso' is the verb 'can', 'chiedere' is the verb 'ask', and 'il tuo nome' means 'your name'.
I want to apologize for the inconvenience.
In this example, the speaker is using the verb 'chiedere' in conjunction with 'scusa' to form the expression 'chiedere scusa', which means 'to apologize'. 'Voglio' is the verb 'want'. 'Per l'inconveniente' means 'for the inconvenience'.
You have to ask permission before going out.
This sentence is a standard way to say someone must ask for permission before doing something. 'Devi' means 'you have to', 'chiedere permesso' means 'ask for permission', and 'prima di uscire' means 'before going out'.